Saturday, February 6, 2010

-----th place!!!!!!!!!!!!

hello. on Wednesday i had another cross country meet....while it was raining. it was SO muddy. everybody legs were solid mud,but it was very fun and slippery. if you were wondering i did fall which meant i was even muddier.BUT!,i got SEVENTH PLACE!!!!!!!(out of "B" team)!!!!!!!!!!!i was SO excited because my first meet i got 21st on my second was cancelled and my third i got 28th and now i got 7TH!!!!even though i probably texted everyone then and there in case i didn't text you there you go! p.s. next week is our zone meet and if our school doesn't make in the top 4 teams that will be our last meet if we do make the top 4 then we will go to one more!!! so wish us luck! :)

2 friends had something to say:

lynda said...

thhis post was by me Paige!

heart nan said...

LUCK to the moon and back!!!