Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dear Nan,

I want to first start off by wishing you a Happy Mother's Day. I hope you had a great day. I wish that I could have done more but when I saw the charm I thought that it would be perfect. I want to thank you for always being there for me as a young child until now that I am a Mother. I love that you live so close and that if I want to see you everyday I can. I love all of your advice throughout the years too. I am the Mother I am today because of you and all that you have taught me. I hope to be the same kind of Mother to my children as you were to all of us. I know that sometimes it makes you sad to see your children struggle or make silly decisions but know that we all love you and one day we will all be an eternal family in heaven. Thanks for everything I love you Letti.

Dear Nan, Happy Mother's Day. Hopefully you had a very nice one and you didn't have to work that much. I hope Pop's got you something nice. Love Chase

Nan, I love you so much and I love to spend the night with you. When I am off track I love to spend the night with you. But sometimes my Mom does not let me spend the night on School Nights I wanted to spend the night at my Grandma's house tonight but my Mom said No No No. I love when you give me money when I clean your house and I love you the most of all. You are the bestest Nana I ever had in the entire city, world, and earth. Kaidee

Dear Nana,
Happy mother's Day. I hope you have a great Mother's Day. I am glad that Bobby and Tiffany came out. I love you. xoxoxoxoxo Chloe

Nan, I love Nan. Nan's house. Bounce the ball high. Go high. In the name of Christ. Football. Love you. Cole

2 friends had something to say:

heart nan said...

Thank you so much Byrd family,
I heart your words and your guts!!!

Beki said...

That was so sweet. I love Cole's speech.