Sunday, April 27, 2008

What do you think?

Letti wanted to know who Everett looks like. When he was first born I thought that he looked like Cael, but I don't think that anymore. When my mom came here she said that she thinks Everett looks like Bo. So, here are pictures of Bo, Cael, and Everett. After seeing the picture of Bo I have to agree . I'm pretty sure that all of the boys are pretty close in age in these pictures. Bo was a few days old, Cael was about a week old, and Everett was 3 or 4 days old.
What does everyone else think?

2 friends had something to say:

Letti said...

I think he looks like Bo too. I also think he looks a lot like you Beki.

lynda said...

I can't tell who he looks like, but I can tell how cute he is, just like his big brother!