Monday, March 10, 2008

What Do You Think?

I have been thinking about selling these wickless candles called scentsy. You put them on top of a warmer and the use low heat to melt. When you are done you just let them cool and you can take them out and use a different scent or use the same one. Each small brick last between 60-80 hours and you use them until they are gone. It is a newer company and does not have very mant consultants in Callifornia so I think it would be the perfect time to start selling them for me. I do not even have to have parties unless I want to I can just keep inventory out of my home. You can check out their website here

6 friends had something to say:

Amelia said...

It looks kinda neat. I'll buy something.

Letti said...

Lynda they do plug in.

Nana Jill said...

Hey Letti! I have just gotten my new website up and going. On there, I have a page of ideas for moms who want to make some money at home. I am slowly but surely putting up links for each idea. I would be happy to link to you for other moms to sign up under you if they want to sell candles. That is one of the ideas in my list. Interested?

Letti said...

I will let you know as soon as I decide if I am going to start selling. That is a great idea.

Amelia said...

Sounds pretty cool Letti! I'll buy one too.

Amelia said...

oops that last one was posted by Tiffany