Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Look what Livee can do!

I know this is a funny picture, but I like it!

5 friends had something to say:

Anonymous said...

She gets going all by her self! It was so cool! Go Livee!

Letti said...

Good job Livee. You are getting so big.

heart nan said...

This picture cracks me up . . . the way she is sitting up so straight makes me think of the mean lady in the Wizard of Oz, riding her bike and taking Toto.
Just her posture makes me think of that.
Yeeeeaaahhh LIVEE!!!
heart, nan

Letti said...

tight livee

Auntie Leisa said...

Way to go Livee! I love the pic Lynda, those are always the best (the ones not posed)