Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Chloe and Kaidee's Recipes

Celeste asked Chloe and Kaidee what their favorite recipes were and this is what they came up with.

There is a thing at the store that says brownies and you put chocolate chips in it.

Rice Gravy
You put rice in it. Then you put chicken in it. Then you put it in the stove for 2 minutes.

There are these peaches and sugar in it. Then you put it in a bowl and then you cut it up really small. And we could have brownies with peaches on top

Sugar Toast
You put sugar in it then you put toast. Then you put some sugar on it. It’s a good good thing.

Iya’s Soup
You put squirrly noodles in it. Then tomato juice cook 10 minutes.

Hot Hot Soup
First you put Brown potatoes then you put carrots. Then you put red sauce stuff in a can in a big gray pan and cook it for 20 minutes

You buy it at Staters, where the steak is. You’ll find it in the back. You buy it then you put the black and white salt thingy on it and put it in the barbecue for like 13 minutes at 15 hot.

Sugar Apples
Put some cereal, sugar 3 eggs and then 2 cups of milk then put some 5 cups of brown sugar 1 cup of water. Then you put some good stuff. 2 apples! Then put it in the oven for 3 minutes

The Chloe
You put olive oil in the pan. Put bread. Flip it over and there is syrup on the table and butter and peanut butter and that’s all it is!

2 friends had something to say:

Rowdy Family said...

and you should have enough saran wrap for any leftovers

lynda said...

Can you please post pictures of what the recipes look like after the girls make them? :] I like to see what it is supposed to look like before I try something new.