Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Just a little laugh! :)

Grayson's hair...and Chase's teeth (before they got fixed!)....remind you of anything?? heehee!! (SCROLL DOWN!)
Hope you don't get mad Chase..just thought it was funny :) ...by the way..YES...Grayson is getting a haircut tomorrow (against Tad and Bobby's wishes..who think his hair looks good???!?!?!)

2 friends had something to say:

Letti said...

you made Chase laugh. That is so funny. I think Grayson needs a haircut too. But I can only see this picture and his hair is messed up. Show me a picture with is hair fixed.

heart nan said...

Very clever!!! Two of my favorite boys and one of my favorite movies.
Let's see the 'after' of each of these boys.
heart, nan