Sunday, February 17, 2008

Craft of the day!

So..this is my first one, but I'm making tooth fairy pillows for all the kids! :) The "root" of this one came out a little long..but not bad for my first try! haha

5 friends had something to say:

lynda said...

oh my gosh! this totally took amelia like 2 seconds. she was at my house earlier and said that she wanted to do this and then called me right after she got home to tell me to look at the blog. i can't believe how fast she did it. soooo cute amelia! (Miss Crafty) :]

lynda said...

Very cute! I can't believe you got it done so fast! You should be able to have all of them done in no time.

Amelia said...

i hope :) i've got three more cut out, i started one with pink thread and ran i'll move on to the next one! :) i figured that i'd just do a bunch and the kids can choose their own.

Letti said...

Amelia they are so cute. I can't wait to see what it looks like in person. I think you should make a bunch for my craft fair in November.

Kellie said...

That is so cute Amelia, where did you get the idea?