Monday, January 7, 2008

Try this!!!

Go here . . .

and then let me know how you like it.

Y nan

6 friends had something to say:

Letti said...

Mom you find the neatest stuff online. That was really fun to do. I am going to do it more than once too.

lynda said...

that was fun mom! how long did it take everybody?

Anonymous said...

I took a little while. It didn't help that Kath sat next to me most of the time! Uh! Presure!

Letti said...

It took me about 10 minutes.

heart nan said...

go to and create your own puzzles or do the puzzles others have created. You will see our family puzzle there.

Amelia said...

THAT TOOK ME FOREVER!! hahah! that was fun!