Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hey everyone,
I love Boardman already!!! It is just like Millton-Freewater. The members are great people and so loving and the area, although small, is a wonderful area. I feel that the Lord has given me the great and wonderful blessing of being able to serve in the greatest areas in the mission. This is going to truly be a most wonderful experience.
My new address is:
113 SW Cottonwood loop
Boardman, OR 97818
I live with some members named the Walty's and they are an awesome couple who are so ecstatic to have missionaries in their home. I will say that I will be so sad to leave this place when that time comes but I am going to work as hard as I can so that the Lord is pleased with me. The Walty's are an older couple and just love to spoil the missionaries. Sis. Walty has a treat for us almost every night when we get in. She said that she would feed us entirely too much but that is alright with me! ;) And we have access to a DVD player from our members. They would be excited to let me see a video.
Well, I found out that one of my companions, Elder Canty leaves us tomorrow. He is from Colorado and he is a great missionary and guy. Although I've only been with him for a week I love the guy and we get along well. My other companion, Elder Lunceford has been out for one transfer, this one is his second. He is also an amazing guy and is going to be an excellent missionary. He is 25 years old, by the way Kyle did you know a Mark Lunceford who played basketball for Mountain View, and if you haven't caught my drift he is from Orem, UTAH!!!! Isn't that absolutely crazy, another companion from Orem. I am so excited to be able to serve with him. He told me that his mom is the same way that you are, mom. She is just as excited as you are when it comes to her missionary. They live in south Orem by Lakeridge Jr.
The missionary work is slow in Boardman right now but I am going to work hard to bring it up because the Lord has sent me here to work, so I will work my tail off for him!
Tomorrow we have our Christmas Zone Conference and I am so looking forward to seeing half of the mission again and see some of my old companions. It will be a great Zone Conference and I will let you know all about it.
Well, I think that I have updated you on everything that you would love to know and I LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH!!!! I am so excited to be in my new area and remember John 14:27. May the Lord keep you and Bless you this Christmas season.

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