Monday, November 17, 2008

Starving to Death

I would probably pass away if there was an earthquake and I had a years worth of food storage wheat in the garage... Until now!
If you are like me wheat and yeast are just a little intimidating. I don't really understand them. I am going to make a better effort to try, but until then my SIL Katie passed along this recipe for "Blender Wheat Pancakes" I have had them and really enjoyed them! She says its the only way they do pancakes at her house now. and you just use a blender! Thats not scary to me at all. Just thought I'd share. Thanks Katie

"Blender Wheat Pancakes"
Blend for 3 minutes:
1 C. Wheat
1 C. milk
add 1/2 C. milk and blend for another 2 minutes
Then you can either mix in or add and blend:
2 eggs
1/2 C. oil or apple sauce
1 t. sugar
1/4 t. salt
3 heaping t. baking powder
This recipe does great in a waffle iron too!

1 friends had something to say:

lynda said...

I'm excited to try these. Thanks Celeste