Friday, August 29, 2008

{happy new car Syd}

5 friends had something to say:

Amelia said...

WHOA SYD!!!! I LOVE it!!!! Add more pics!!!! Congrats girl!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Syd. Congrats.

lynda said...

I love the car. But what's up with the bangs? ;)

Sydney said...

thanks everyone!
the bangs were a lil out of control, i let mom cut them, and she cut them crooked, but there ok now i fixed them!!! lol

Nana Jill said...

Cool car, Syd!! But. . .are you really going to drive that up here in Utah???? Ummm. . .I'm thinking about the color ("cop-magnet" red) & icy roads with a bunch of other college kids who also don't know how to drive in the snow?????? Why do you think that my kids all drive neutral-colored-beater cars??