Friday, May 23, 2008

Zoe's joke of the week

How do you get out of a room that has no doors or windows? The only things in the room are a dresser and mirror.

8 friends had something to say:

Letti said...

The attic?

lynda said...

nope, the room is totally sealed up.

Rowdy Family said...

don't go in in the first place

lynda said...

you'll never get,paige :)

heart nan said...

Let's it a magic mirror?

lynda said...

nan, you're kind of warm

Sydney said...

Are you looking at your reflection in the mirror???

heart nan said...

Let's see....
You take the mirror, climb up on the dresser, throw the mirror down on the ground causing it to break, which brings you seven years of bad luck, a tree falls on the side of your house making a big hole in the wall and then you just walk right out! Of course!