- she just learned to ride a bIkE
- she has had two sUrgErIEs already her tonsils and a cyst in her arm
- I love it when she rEAds Each Peach Pear Plum
- she is in kIndErgArtEn
- she is the thIrd child
- her middle name is HoPe
- she is a very good stUdEnt
- her gIgglE is contagious
- she is AllErgIc to dogs and cats
- her favorite cOlOrs are purple and pink
- she knows how to rEAd
- she is aFRaiD of ostriches
- but she will eat oSTRiCH eGGs
- she is a CaLiFoRNia girl that lives in Texas
- she was in the Justin HaLL oF FaMe at her school
Well did you guess? It's Livee. Happy Birthday Livee! I hope you have a fun day today. Make sure your mom takes pictures and that she blogs about it for all of us to see.
2 friends had something to say:
Thanks Letti. Such a cute post! I'll let her read it when she gets home from school.
Happy Birthday Livee!!
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