Saturday, March 15, 2008

Mommy's little helper

Sierra wants to do everything I am doing, someday it's nice and other days it drives me crazy. Yesterday she wanted to vacuum, which she has been scared vacuum until now. I don't think her room got a good vacuum but sometimes you just have to say what ever. Then she wanted to help clean her bathroom. She wants to use the spray bottles with cleaner in them, I wouldn't let her use them. She sprays them toward herself not away from her. So she got to clean the mirror. She is growing so fast, she has been pointing out colors and shape everyday. She just need to work on going potty in the toilet.

3 friends had something to say:

Letti said...

She is getting so big. She looks like she is a big helper. It's nice to see some pictures of Sierra. Miss ya love ya

Amelia said...

Hey i love your vacuum!! good job Sierra...i got some more work for you over here :)

heart nan said...

Why is it that kids always want to help when they're not quite capable of doing it and when they are, forget of life's mysteries, I quess.
Good to hear from you Kell.
Give Sierra her own water bottle with just water in it. After she does her work you "check it" by going over it yourself.