Tuesday, January 1, 2008

!!!!SFMOTW!!!!! ITS ME Celeste!!

First of all thank you so much for picking me to be the SFMOTW!!! I just want to thank Letti for giving me this opportunity, and thanks to Cody and Rowdy for all of their love and support, and I want to thank my Mom for always believing in me, and Nan for all the great advice, and I just want to give a shout out to all my nieces and nephews You guys are the best!!!! I couldn't have made it here without you!!

I was really sold on the name Rowdy after I read about Rowdy Gaines. He just seemed like a guy who never gave up and something about the article I was reading just stirred inside me and I wanted our boy to be named Rowdy. Plus Clint Eastwood is the Bomb!

Just one of my most embarassing moments: My first Sunday in Brasil the bishop (speaking portuguese of course) in sacrament meeting addressed me by name. So I headed for the pulpit to bear my testimony in Portuguese. too bad he only asked the new missionaries to stand!!!

Something you might not know about me. My first car that I loved oh so much was a sweet 1969 electric blue volvo station wagon. I brought it from Jay Barnes' grandma. and...I camped on the Great Wall of China.

Love you ALL!!! and I am sooo happy to be in your family!!! smmmooooooch

3 friends had something to say:

Letti said...

Great answers Celeste. Do you have any pictures of your car?

heart nan said...

I love your Rowdy too, both of them!!!

heart nan said...

and I love your picture in the onion cutting glasses. They really work, maybe they will catch on in the world!