Sunday, December 9, 2007

Grayson and Santa

At Bianca and Norm's house they had a community "Breakfast with Santa" and then for the rest of the day Santa would come to each house for $10 and stay with the kids for awhile. Surprise, kids were SOOO freaked out. Grayson did not like Santa at ALL and Carys warmed up a little bit by the end of the visit. She even tried to take Grayson to Santa and sit with him, Grayson strongly objected :)
Later that night I was giving the kids a bubble bath and I put bubbles on my face and Grayson turned around and screamed!! haha! :)
Merry Christmas...almost! :)

2 friends had something to say:

heart nan said...

Oh come here Gray, I will hold you.
I thought it looked like Carys was holding Santa's hand . . .
Good thing you had him over now when he has time, he never has time on Christmas Eve.

Letti said...

Those pictures are priceless. Thanks for sharing them Amelia. That is a cool idea too. They would never do that here in