Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas with the Carmacks

The girls were so excited! They woke up at 5:56 and Craig made them go back to sleep until 7:11. In this picture they are waiting for me to go wake up Miles.
Poor Miles.....sleeping so peacefully. Darn impatient sisters! :)
Paige checking out what Santa brought.
Zoe looking at her babies in their new daybed.
Livee's checking out everything!
Miles is only interested in his bananas from his stocking. Here he is begging me.
Begging Daddy.
Merry Christmas Family!!!

3 friends had something to say:

Lana said...

Yeah, we got to sleep in until after 8:00!! What a treat. Merry Christmas Carmack family.

Letti said...

Thanks for posting pictures Lynda. Miles and Cole were both sleeping so peacefully. It looks liek you guys had a good Christmas. I miss you all.

Paigee said...

hey mom I'm not impatient!! :(