Monday, November 26, 2007

Christmas Wish Lists . . .

I have an idea . . . would everyone be willing to post their Christmas wish list? You could list anything and everything you would love to receive. Random things, expensive things, simple things, homemade things, collection things, thoughtful things . . . Make your list long to make it easier for all.
You list, we comment. Of course you would have to promise (on your honor, pinkie swear, stick a needle in your eye, etc.) to not look at the comments attached to your wish list. That way we could discuss gifts behind your blog (different than behind your back), like "do you want to go in on?" or "what did you get her?" or "do you know where I could find that?"
The lists would help me, I know they would help Darian, and of course Santa will be grateful too!
What do you think?


2 friends had something to say:

Letti said...

Good Idea Mom, I think that it would be fun to add things as you go to. I know that I remember things when I see them too.

Auntie Leisa said...

What a fun idea Aunt Kathy. Mind if I use it?