Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Livee is going to be saying goodbye to her tonsils soon too.
She is a wacky snorer just like you, and I think hers are the same size as yours. Pretty gross!
You guys need to have a double farewell!

3 friends had something to say:

Letti said...

Livee, You and Sydney will be twins. You can have a milkshake party.

Amelia said...

Oh no Livee! What's your favorite kind of milkshake? I'll go to Sonic for ya! (When Lynda?)

Sydney said...

YaY Livee now we can be twinsies (sp?) and Iya thats so not fair I want some sonic too!!! I'm Getting nervice for my Surgery though, I had my pre-Op Apt yeasterday and my surgery is a week from Monday...Yikes its so soon!