Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Rowdy's week in Review

Rowdy got shots.

He was sad.

His Dad tried to comfort him and got pooped on for his efforts.

His Grandpa MArlan felt bad for him,so he invited him to San Francisco for his 50th Birthday.

Rowdy picked up some bad habits in S.F., like
tattoos and streaking.

7 friends had something to say:

lynda said...

Gross Cody!!! But Rowdy looks cute!
He is getting big, I can tell by the first picture of the moon.

Amelia said...

how cute!! haha! I love it :) Haha Cody!

heart nan said...

Cody good thing he is yor first boy and good thing you did not go to San Fran, because you are 66% more gay than Bobby is

lynda said...

that does not sound like a comment from heart nan!

Letti said...

I think Bobby was at Nan's today

Letti said...

Cody Rowdy is just showing his love.

Nana Jill said...

Cody, you and U.Steve must have the same effect on babies. Xander pooped on him a couple of times. The first time it happened, U. Steve was yelling at us to bring some paper towels and we were so busy laughing that we couldn't help him!! : O