Friday, October 5, 2007

Decisions Decisions

Old Navy had all of there costumes on sale for $12.00 or less today. I found two that were really cute. I liked them both so I got one of each. If he is the monkey he will be the rally monkey. GO ANGELS! Or he can be the dragon since his sisters are going to be princesses. Tell me what to do?

7 friends had something to say:

Bobby and Tiff said...

Both are cute but I am partial to the Dragon! He was to cute in it!

lynda said...

I like the dragon! But if you don't use it can you send it to Miles? :]

nana said...

I think the princess and dragon idea is so cute. I love the monkey cosume as well... I think that is just one cute baby!

Kellie said...

I like the dragon. If you don't use the monkey can I buy from you for my Spider Monkey?

Beki said...

I think he looks so cute in both, but I agree with the majority that I like the dragon more. Good deal on those costumes.

Amelia said...

dragon :)
but either way you go it's cute :)
is chase/garrett trick or treating this year or are they too old now??

M.E. said...

My son was that monkey last year! So I prefer it more.
Oh, these costumes sell great on EBay. I bought the monkey one last year on sale for $14 and it sold for $21 this year!