Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Grayson is walking!! :) He took 10 steps in a row the other night (night before last) to Zoe!! He's been taking steps all over, but he usually gives up after about 6-7 steps and then "cheats" and starts crawling!
We taped it, but I don't know how to show you the video tape...gotta get lessons from Jill :)
Hope all is well with everybody!
Love ya!

5 friends had something to say:

heart nan said...

I just mentioned to Kaidee that Gray was walking now, without hesitation she said, "I know, Carys taught him." Hurray for big sisters.

Rowdy Family said...

talk to jill so we can see!!! love you!

Jill said...

Its really easy now....right by the botton that you push to add photos is a button that looks like a movie reel..push that and it will ask you where the movie is saved on your computer just like the photo takes a while to load but you can type and stuff while waiting. Then you just push post when it is done loading! I can't wait to watch it!

lynda said...

I'm just glad that Miles started walking first. Even if it was by just a week. :] That was a close one Miles!

Amelia said...

i've got to get my video camera and see how to load the video onto my computer..i'm not good at that stuff :)