So I was talking to Dad on Sunday and he said I could do this. He mentioned that I wasn't allowed to cut my girls hair and so I said that since he gets to say that we can't cut our hair we should get to say that he SHOULD cut his hair. So I said that I would cast a family vote both on out Christian kiddos blog and on our bowler blog. So go ahead and vote. Should Dad/Uncle Mike/Papa/Dude grow his hair out again or cut it ???
Current frontal view: (photo taken two weeks ago)
Current back view:
The back photo doesn't do much justice because some is tucked under his shirt. His excuses were that he doesn't really know what he wants, it grows so fast, and that he wants to send some to "locks of love" again.
10 friends had something to say:
I think that Uncle Mike should cut his hair.
Thanks Letti!
Come on guys....I need an outpouring of voting....keep it coming!!!
Its hot out. I think he should cut it
the last vote was from Celeste and Cody thinks he should cut it too
Two votes over here for cutting the locks of love!
Donate your hair to locks of love when it's long enough Dad. It's for a great cause. It's you, and your decision. Call me, we'll talk about what the family did when I took my nose stud out :)
Livee, Zoe, Paigee, and Lynda have 4 votes for cutting it. But we love the lover man either way! :]
Okay don't be mad Jill but it reminds me of my Dad, and as much as I would like to hop on that band wagon, I have to say... Do What Feels Right Uncle Mike!
I vote to cut is. You had lots of years with it long, now try a few with it short.
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