Saturday, August 11, 2007

My favorite!

Not from this week but I love her and her "PINK JUICE"! That's all she wants now!
Not the best shot of me and is a little grainy, but I still love the picture.
I know it's Saturday, but I really want to post my favorite Pict's for this week!

4 friends had something to say:

Letti said...

I love her toungue. Tiffany that is a good picture of you and the baby.

Amelia said...

Cute pictures! What was the pink juice?

Bobby and Tiff said...

She had her first Shirley Temple! Mmmm good. I know what your thinking all that crazy fruit on the stick makes it look like a mixed drink! Yikes! Don't worry Iya no need to call CPS :)

Sydney said...

I Love Kodi and her Pink juice, I'll even put red food coloring in her juice so it looks