Wednesday, July 4, 2007

So Sorry :(

Well it looks like we have to postpone our Texas visit. Bobby just can't take that much time off, and the expenses for the wedding just keep adding up. I am really sad about the whole thing. We hope to come out in late September or early October. I am really sorry guys, we would be there if we could.

3 friends had something to say:

Letti said...

Tiffany, it's July 4th, not April 1st!!!(I hope you're trying to do an April Fools Day joke) I miss you guys! love, Aunt Lynda

Bobby and Tiff said...

Nope it's the sad truth :( We aren't very happy about it but it just has to be pushed back. Sorry Lynda. I really wanted to be there too!

Amelia said...

TIFF??!!!! I'm so bummed!! That totally stinks! I was SOO looking forward to seeing you guys and meeting my new nephew! I really really hope you guys can make it out this year! :(