Monday, July 16, 2007

new challenge

Okay - here is our new challenge for the week.
Send a card or a little note to someone you've been missing.
Let's keep in touch the old-fashioned way too!

3 friends had something to say:

heart nan said...

That has been my challenge to myself all year. I make myself send an e-mail or a note to someone before I do anything else on the computer. The year is half over and I've probably sent 15 notes out. 15 out of 162, not bad! I've got to do better. Good challenge, I accept.

Auntie Leisa said...

Good Idea!

Amelia said...

I bought my dad and deedee birthday cards at Tom Thumb the other day...they're so cute b/c they sing when you open them...I saw one there that sang funkytown when you open it and I thought about buying it...just for safe keeping!!hahaha (it said..get's your birthday)!:)