Friday, July 6, 2007

Hi Family!

Hi everyone! I don't have any pic's to blog but I did want to say hi! I do have a question for the Mommy's though... Degan has been sleeping less lately, and that includes at night. This morning he woke up at 4:45 a.m, and usually he sleeps until almost 8. He's been doing this for almost a week now. On top of that he's been a little fussy, not just hungry/sleepy fussy, but almost like he's starving fussy. I don't know if it's his tummy, or if he going through a growing spurt. Either way I was hoping for some advise. I'm not complaining though... He's still a very good baby! Just wondering what I should do in case he makes waking up that early an everyday thing. Looking forward to your comments. Miss everyone and love everyone
Y Tiffany
p.s I think that heart is to cute! Thanks Nan!

1 friends had something to say:

Letti said...

Tiff are you feeding him right before he goes to bed? If not then I would feed him right before even if it isn't time to eat. kwim? I think that he probably is going through a growth spurt but he should still not be waking up to eat. It could be too that his schedule is off a little because of your recent travels. If it continues offer him a water bottle it could be that he is thirsty I heard that you guys are having some pretty warm weather. Good luck. You are doing a great job.