Sunday, June 10, 2007


Hope every one had a good Sunday! We blessed Degan today and it went really well. For those that could not be there here is a little bit of what Bobby said: "Bless that Degan has the quirkiness of Aunt Lest and Uncle Cody. To be as supportive, and willing to be there for your family, like the Byrds. To be humble like the Carmacks. Outgoing like Auntie Syd. Bless that he have the Independence of The Texas Bowlers. To have unconditional love like his Grandmothers, and to know everything like his Grandfathers... There was more, but I wanted everyone to know that we take such great traits from each other and pass them on to our children, so thank you all for raising Kodi and Degan! See you all soon!
Love the Riverside Bowlers!
p.s Pictures to fallow as soon as I get them on my computer!

3 friends had something to say:

Amelia said...

What a sweet blessing! I'm sad that we missed it! I'm sad that we haven't seen him....miss you,can't wait to see you :(!!!!!

Auntie Leisa said...

That is the BEST blessing I have ever heard (or read). You are a beautiful little family.

heart nan said...

It was the sweetest, most tear-jerkingist blessing I have heard!