Thursday, October 22, 2009

Syd, Aubrey, Sarah, and Chelsea
Sarah, Syd, and Jud
Aubrey, Syd, Sarah, and Chelsea

Hey Family, I figured I haven't posted in quite awhile, that it was finally time! Just to catch everyone up, I am in my last week of Cosmetology school and am still loving it, but am ready to be done. It is going to be a bitter-sweet goodbye to school, I have been wanting to do hair ever since I can remember and now that it is finally done it kind of makes me sad. I have made some of the the best friends there and I know we'll be friends for life. Also this year in Utah has been one of the best things that could have happened to me, I love the atmosphere here and all the friends I have made, and my roommates are amazing I am very blessed to have them in my life. As for the boys in my life, nothing serious as of now, but there are a few I like, one more than the others, but I guess we'll just see what happens. he he. Well just a little bit about whats going on with me.... Love you Family
<3 Sydney

3 friends had something to say:

lynda said...

Syd, I love your post! I am glad that you are making good friends and having fun. "The" boy will happen soon enough. I love you and can't wait to see you!
P.S. You and all your roomies are so cute!

Letti said...

I am so glad to see a post from you. I can truly say that you are in the right place at the right time. I loved meeting all of your roomies they are all so sweet. You are very lucky to be living with such a great group.

Love Ya!

heart nan said...

3 John 1:4
I love your guts and
I heart your heart!!!

(share more pictures)